UPDATE 12/11/19: Planning Commission heeded the concerns of the community and voted 4-0 (1 absent) to continue the item until date uncertain so the applicant can address a list of issues. Meeting video.
UPDATE 12/9/20: Planning Commission hearing 12/9/20, (Item 4).
The project has been revised to reduce from 50 down to 47 RV spaces and the laundry/restroom relocated outside the view corridor. Landscaping is redesigned with mostly native species in a more natural arrangement, and a split rail fence is set back from Capistrano Rd. A Clear View Easement will set a 5-ft height restriction for structures and landscaping to preserve the remaining slice of ocean view from southbound Hwy 1, however space for landscape screening of the RVs from Capistrano Rd has not been provided outside of the Clear View Easement, and the height of the existing tower sign at the highway would remain unchanged.
The Planning Commission conditionally approved the project 3-2. The applicant (as well as the two "no" votes on the Commission) objected to conditions added to the motion to reduce the height of the existing tower sign and make room for better landscape screening of the RVs which would result in a net reduction of RV spaces to 44. The applicant plans to appeal the decision to the Board of Supervisors. The project is also appealable to the Coastal Commission.