Finance Committee
MCC receives an annual $3,000 appropriation from San Mateo County to cover expenses for meetings, information/records, equipment, and public outreach. Any fund balance established at the end of the fiscal year may be used for the general welfare of the community.
Committee Purpose: Manage the accounts of the Midcoast Community Council in accord with the MCC By-laws and provide a monthly report to the MCC on account balance and account activity.
Procedures: Defined by the Treasurer Procedures document latest annual update.
See also 2013 Treasurer Procedures set up & adoption.
Members: The current MCC office holders of Treasurer and Chair.
Annual Fiscal Year Treasurer Reports:
2012-2013 2016-2017 2020-2021
2013-2014 2017-2018 2021-2022
2014-2015 2018-2019 2022-2023
2015-2016 2019-2020 2023-2024
Current Account Balance:
MCC bank account balance as of Dec 31, 2024, is $11,249.53.
SMC annual $3,000 allocation has not been received for FY 2023-2024 nor 2024-2025.
MCC funding process beginning fiscal 2024-2025 (10/29/24 email)