Half Moon Bay Airport
unattributed image from HMB Airport website
HMB Airport is a general aviation facility that is owned and operated by San Mateo County. The Airport is open year-round 24 hours a day and has approximately 40,000 to 60,000 aircraft take-offs and landings per year, typically single- and multi-engine propeller-driven aircraft and small jet aircraft, with a weight limit of 12,500 pounds. The airport was constructed by the California State Highway Department for the U.S. Army in 1942, and was acquired by the County in 1947.
The Airport provides a variety of emergency service and response functions including: Air-Ambulance and Medevac flights; law enforcement and homeland security patrols; Coast Guard sea-rescue operations; and use as a disaster relief staging site for the airlifting of emergency supplies in the event that roads are closed during a disaster or emergency. HMB Airport is home to approximately 80 aircraft and several aviation-related businesses. Airport operations are self-funded through airport user and business fees.
The County depends on FAA Airport Improvement Program grant funding to finance vital airport safety, infrastructure and maintenance projects. In return, the County is required to comply with FAA grant assurances which require that the County ensure compatible land use in the vicinity of the Airport.
Phone 650-573-3701 (8-5), 573-3700 after hours
SMC Airports Voluntary Noise Abatemenbt Program
Airport Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA)
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
Potential lead exposure from aviation fuel
MCC & DPW correspondence on potential lead exposure and contamination near HMB Airport, Feb/Apr 2022
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) Update 2014
During 2012-2014, C/CAG (City/County Association of Governments) undertook a long-overdue update of the 1996 Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The plan affects future land uses and development surrounding the airport. Land use policies address height of structures for airspace protection, aircraft noise impacts, and safety compatibility in runway approach/departure zones, which takes the form of limitations on residential development density and intensity of use (number of people present at one time).
What an ALUCP is/isn't -- FAQ's
2014 ALUCP Chapters:
1 - Purpose & Scope
2 - Airport Environs
3 - Airport Facilities & Improvements
4 - Compatibility Policies & Criteria
Airport Layout Plan - 2014 ALP update
County Dept of Public Works periodically updates the Airport Layout Plan, originally part of the 1997 Airport Master Plan.
2010 ALP (revalidation of 2006) - 2014 ALP update
July 2012 presentation on the ALP Update and answers to questions on all aspects of airport operation (MCC minutes).