Harbor Village/ Oceano Hotel/ RV Park
Capistrano Rd, Princeton by the Sea
Development Phases
Phase 1: 1989 initial approval - 2008 construction final.
3-story 95-unit hotel, 280-seat restaurant, 60-seat bar, enclosed retail shopping mall, separate 1-story retail bldg (Caffe Mezza Luna), sub-surface & ground level parking for 450 vehicles.
The fake lighthouse was deleted.
1989 comments: Concerned Citizens of the Coastside, Committee for Green Foothills
Phase 2: 2014 - 2016 (approval to construction)
Wedding building: 4,000 sf, 1-story on ~6-ft raised grade
MCC Q&A with planner 2014
Letter of Decision & Conditions of Approval
RV Park (Phase 3)
Project Description as approved April 2021: RV park with 42 RV spaces, 8 tent camping spaces, and restroom/laundry building on 3.4-acre parcel at corner of Capistrano & Hwy 1. Construction occurred in 2023-2024.
2021 April 20: Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to deny the applicant’s appeal and uphold the Planning Commission conditional approval EXCEPT with respect to Condition 21(c) to reduce the size of the existing 22'H/15'W tower sign at the highway corner. Site plan as conditioned.
2020 Dec: Planning Commission hearing 12/9/20 (Item 4).
Revised proposed project had been reduced to 47 RV spaces, restroom/laundry building relocated outside view corridor, landscaping redesigned with mostly native species in a more natural arrangement, and split rail fence set back from Capistrano Rd. A deed-restricted Clear View Easement sets a 5-ft height restriction for structures and landscaping to preserve the remaining slice of ocean view from southbound Hwy 1. The Commission 3-2 decision added additional conditions of approval to further reduce the number of RV spaces to make room for better landscape screening of the RVs (Decision Letter). The decision was appealed by Applicant to Board of Supervisors.
2019 Dec: Planning Commission hearing 12/11/19 (staff report): Commissioners heeded the concerns of the community and voted 4-0 (1 absent) to continue the item until date uncertain so the applicant could address a list of issues.
Comments: MCC, CGF, Community comments excerpts
2019 Sept: CEQA review (Mitigated Negative Declaration)
Comments: CCC, MCC
2018 Apr: Resubmittal — summary of changes
Plans: grading/drainage – landscape – plant list – renderings
MCC comments, presentation, video @ 1:04, minutes
2017 Sept: Project application for 50-space RV park
Plans - tree report - traffic impact report
Comments: MCC - CCC
2015 May: Pre-application Public Workshop
Notice – Plans – Summary of comments