Protected Tree Ordinance Update July 2024

The County's Planning and Building Department has prepared an update to the County’s Tree Removal Regulations to improve management of individual trees and tree canopy in the County, and to improve the tree removal and trimming permit process, consistent with the County’s General Plan. The draft ordinance is available for review here: Tree Ordinance Public Review Draft

There will be an informational study session on the draft ordinance on Wednesday July 10, 2024, at 9:00 AM at the SMC Planning Commission (in person and via Zoom). 
Agenda & staff report are here.
Please submit your comments about the draft ordinance by July 23, 2024.

A companion guidance website (SanMateoCountyTrees) has also been launched to provide more information to the County’s residents about the value of trees, and outline the permit process steps, among other useful information.