This Informational Report on dredging needs, shoreline erosion, and dredged material disposal at Pillar Point Harbor is the subject of Agenda Item #4 at the August 7, 2013, Harbor District meeting, 7pm, at Comfort Inn, 2930 Cabrillo Highway, Half Moon Bay. The Agenda and full packet are here.
The Coastside Beach Coalition has submitted this comment letter in response to the report. The Beach Coalition is a local grassroots group formed in mid 2013 in response to the increasingly urgent need for beneficial use of harbor sediment to address the adverse impacts of the Pillar Point Harbor breakwater on the surrounding shoreline, both inside and outside of the harbor.
The MCC addressed these issues at their June 12 meeting with a presentation, and letters to the Harbor Commission and Congresswoman Jackie Speier.

UPDATE: Harbor District staff will hold a public meeting to expand their discussion of Pillar Point Harbor dredging and shoreline erosion and to gather public input: Saturday, August 17, 1:00pm, Comfort Inn, 2930 Cabrillo Hwy, Half Moon Bay.