The Army Corps of Engineers and County Harbor District will provide an update on the status of the North Half Moon Bay Shoreline Improvement Project at Surfers' Beach and will discuss the work ahead. Public comments and input are welcome.
Friday, November 8, 10 AM – 12 noon
Oceano Hotel, Montara Room, 280 Capistrano Road, Princeton
Discussion will cover steps needed to complete the initial planning process before going into the preconstruction design phase, as well as how a potential project to mitigate shore damage can be financed under the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 111, which allots up to $5 million in federal funds. The project could consider a range of solutions, potentially including dredging sand from the harbor and creating openings in the jetty to create sand outflows.
The Army Corps process is lengthy, as shown in this table. Results of the Reconnaissance portion of the Planning Phase were presented in 2009. Since then, the Army Corps has been working on the Feasibility portion of the Planning Phase, which was expected to take 2-3 years. More Info

UPDATE: The feasibility portion of the Planning Phase has had many delays over the last 4 years and is still incomplete. The Army Corps reported at public meeting 11/8/13 that even if they eventually approved a mitigation project, it would be modest in scope due to funding limitations, and would not happen before 2017 earliest. (presentation, video)