Public Hearing for Cypress Point PUD-140 hearing at Board of Supervisors on July 21, 2020

It will be item 9 on the agenda, scheduled to be heard after 10:30AM on July 21st.  This will be a Zoom virtual meeting.  The Agenda has instructions for watching and commenting. Links to the Agenda, PUD-140 and LCP amendment documents are on this page

Public Hearing for consideration of a Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendment to rezone a vacant parcel located at the corner of Carlos and Sierra Streets in Moss Beach from “PUD-124/CD” to “PUD-140/CD”:

A) Open Public hearing
B) Close Public hearing
C) Recommendation to adopt a resolution directing staff to submit the Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendments for California Coastal Commission review and certification.

Granada Community Services District Burnham Park Preliminary Plan

After several years of discussions, reviews, and public meetings, the Preliminary Plan for Burnham Park is now out for public review and feedback.   See the GCSD parks page.

Also on the home page are links to the actual presentation, and the letter from the architects describing their concepts.

Please email comments and feedback to GCSD at before September 1st, 2020.

Plan Bay Area 2050 Draft Blueprint released (and survey)

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) have developed a  plan over the past several years, and the draft is now out for review.    The news release is here: . 

The main issues being addressed are transportation and housing (and equity in general), as well as resilience, including sea-level rise mitigation.   The plan is based on an economic model showing growth from 2020 (7.93 million people in 2.76 million household, with 4.08 million people employed) to 2050 (10.33 million people in 4.04 million households, with 5.41 million employed).  It projects/assumes increased graying of the population (age 65 and over), and increased income inequity (low and high income percentages both increasing, middle incomes decreasing).

The top-level site for the plan has links and further information.

A four page flyer summarizing the draft plan is also available.  Public comment opens today (July 10th) and closes on August 10, 2020.   A 3 minute video about the plan is available on the website, as well as a survey seeking opinions on priorities and types of projects.   The survey should take about 5 minutes to fill out.

Tunitas Creek Beach Park enters public planning phase

San Mateo County Parks, along with it's agency partners, is beginning the public process where  the community can get involved andprovide  feedback on the future design of the park.

Since public in-person meetings are not possible at this time, the planning process is an online process, with videos, tools, and a survey to collect ideas.  A 46 page document is also available summarizing current conditions, and proposed design alternatives.  All of the material is available on the Tunitas Creek Beach Improvement Project page.  The introduction video is available in Spanish, Mandarin, and English.

The current survey will close on July 20th, but the public planning process will continue after that.