MCC Meeting - July 8, 2020 (Conducted Remotely)

The MCC Meeting Agenda on July 8, 2020 will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comment are available in the first page of the agenda. 

Supporting material:
Connect the Coastside: County presentation & additional meetings
Consent: MCC minutes for June 8, 2020 and June 24, 2020

November 3, 2020 MCC Election Resolution : There will be 3 MCC councilmembers elected on Nov. 3rd.  Filing opens on July 13, and ends August 7.  See the County Elections site for more information.

UPDATE: 7/8/20 meeting video & minutes

MCC Meeting - June 24, 2020 (Conducted Remotely)

The MCC Meeting Agenda on June 24, 2020 will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comment are available in the first page of the agenda. 

Supporting material:
Cypress Point Project - CDP Roadmap (updated June 24)
Connect the Coastside - Next steps - Public input on Moss Beach
Consent: MCC minutes for May 27, 2020

UPDATE:  6/24/20 meeting videominutes

Attorney General Public Hearing on proposed sale of Seton Hospital

A public meeting will be held on July 6, 2020 at 10AM on the proposed sale of Seton and Seton Coastside, to AHMC by the current owner, Verity Health.

To attend the public meeting, use this Bluejeans meeting:

The 97 page analysis of the proposed sale is available from the Office of the Attorney General at this link .

A purchase agreement was entered into on March 30, 2020, but will not be final until approved by the Attorney General

MCC Special Meeting - June 8, 2020 (Conducted Remotely)

MCC Agenda for June 8, 2020
The MCC Special Meeting on June 8, 2020 will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comment are available in the first page of the agenda. 

Supporting material:
Cypress Point: Planning Commission staff report, MCC letter 
Consent: MCC minutes for May 27, 2020

UPDATE: 6/8/20 meeting video & minutes