Surfers’ Beach Replenishment Pilot Project Update Feb 15

SMC Harbor Commission 2/15/2017, agenda includes an informational update on the Harbor District pilot project to place up to 75,000 cubic yards of clean Pillar Point Harbor dredge material on Surfers’ Beach.  Partial grant funding has been approved for the planning/permitting phase ($75,000 out of total estimated soft costs of $150,000 to $200,000).   Application for $800,000 in construction funding was submitted to the State Division of Boating and Waterways, and the item has been included in the Governor’s preliminary budget. 

More on Surfers' Beach erosion.

Pillar Point Harbor RV Park Update at Harbor Commission Feb 15

SMC Harbor Commission 2/15/2017 agenda includes an informational update on the RV Park lease at Pillar Point Harbor.  MCC submitted a comprehensive letter on long-standing issues at the RV Park in Jan 2015. (Since then the lighting fixtures have been replaced with more dark-sky-compliant ones.)  In 2016 the City of Half Moon Bay issued a Compliance Order to address the lack of Coastal Development Permit for construction of the RV Park in 1999.  The staff report includes links to background documents.

Rent due the Harbor District for the 4.6-acre ocean-front property under the 25-year lease signed in 1998 is either a minimum base amount or 3% of gross annual revenue, whichever is greater.  The annual payments have rarely exceeded the minimum base rent (currently $25,000) by more than a nominal amount.

MCC Special Meeting (Retreat), Jan 28, 2017

Annual MCC Administrative and Planning Retreat -- The public is welcome.
     Saturday, January 28, 2017, starting at 9:00 AM
     GCSD, 504 Alhambra, third floor, El Granada.  

AGENDA and supporting documents:
MCC 2017 Work Plan Priorities
Supervisor Horsley's 2017 priorities 
     presented at 1/11/17 meeting (minutes)
Task Assignments 2017
Treasurer Procedures 2017  --  Finance Committee page
MCC Policies & Procedures (updated 1/28/2017)
Handbook for San Mateo County Boards & Commissions
Rosenberg's Rules of Order -- Rosenberg Rules at a Glance