Gulf of Farallones Sanctuary Advisory Council, Aug. 20

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council holds one of their meetings on the Coastside each year:
Wednesday, August 20, 9:15 AM – 4:00 PM (agenda)
HMB Yacht Club, 214 Princeton Ave, Princeton.

The Advisory Council provides the sanctuary superintendent with advice on a variety of issues.  It serves as a liaison to the community regarding sanctuary issues and relays the community’s interests, concerns, and management needs to the sanctuary.  As a community-based body the advisory council members represent public interest groups, local industry, commercial and recreational user groups, academia, conservation groups, government agencies, and the general public.

Have You Ever Been to Martin's Beach?

If so, please help restore access to it by completing the Coastal Commission survey.  This information is being gathered to determine whether “prescriptive rights” exist on this property by asking anyone who has been to Martin’s Beach to document their use. Prescriptive rights provide that if it can be documented that members of the public have been using private land as if it were public land over a period of at least five years, the right to continued public access may be established.

Surveys should be printed, signed, and either faxed, emailed, or mailed to the Coastal Commission at:

Fax: 415-904-5400
CA Coastal Commission, Attn: Peter Allen
45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105-2219

Big Wave North Parcel Alternative Environmental Review

An Addendum to the 2010 Big Wave Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is available for 30-day public review and comment ending September 2. Digital copies are available on the County website, and hard copies are located at HMB Library and Granada Sanitary District office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, El Granada.

At a MCC special-venue meeting August 13, the county project planner will provide an overview presentation of the Big Wave North Parcel Alternative and the EIR Addendum.  The project applicant will be available to answer questions. 

Wednesday, August 13, 7:00 pm  (flyer - AGENDA)
Pillar Ridge Community Center, 164 Culebra, Moss Beach
Access from Airport St & continue west to parking lot  >>Please carpool<<

A Planning Commission hearing to consider approval of this project is tentatively scheduled for October 22 on the Coastside.  Public comment on the project may be submitted to the Planning Commission until their final hearing, but comments received after the Sept 2 deadline for comment on the EIR Addendum will not be included in the County's written response to comments. 

Contact person: Camille Leung, Project Planner,

UPDATE:  8/13/14 Planning staff presentation - meeting video - minutes

UPDATE:  8/27/14 MCC comments

Unofficial ‘No Parking’ Signs Carry No Legal Weight

Only the County Department of Public Works (DPW) may post signs that have any legal authority to limit or prohibit parking along County streets and rights of way.  DPW does not post official signs on private fences.

While there is no legal statute that prohibits a property owner from posting a sign on their property, they have no authority to remove a vehicle from public property or public right-of-way access.  If a property owner actually had a vehicle towed from property that is not owned by them, the vehicle owner could sue for any costs or damage to their vehicle. 

The public can safely ignore this unofficial sign posted on a private fence on West Point Ave in industrial Princeton at a popular beach access destination.

UPDATE 12/9/14:  County Code Compliance required the removal of the "reserved parking/ tow away" signs on the Princeton fence near the beach on West Point Ave. because a Coastal Development Permit is required in order to impede public beach access in this way.

Civics 101: Learn about your local government

Civics 101 Is a free County program that provides participants an in-depth and comprehensive look at the array of County programs and services and the ability to see first-hand how tax dollars are spent locally.

Tuesdays, Sept 16 to Nov 18, from 6 to 8:30 pm
Two Saturday field trips are also planned.

The program is open to anyone 18 years or older who lives or works in San Mateo County. Many participants go on to serve on County Boards and Commissions.

Deadline to sign up is Sept 5.  More info here