Midcoast Hwy 1 Community Workshop July 31

MCC will hold a special meeting on the status of design planning for Midcoast Highway 1 pedestrian crossings, raised medians, and left turn lanes. (AGENDAflyer)

Thursday, July 31, 2014, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
SPECIAL VENUE: Cypress Meadows, 343 Cypress, Moss Beach

Project consultants will update the communty (presentation) on their direction and progress resulting from feedback received at the June 18 Highway 1 meeting, with opportunity to get your questions answered. 

More info on County page and MCC page.
How did we get here? (institutional memory for the path forward)

UPDATE:  7/31/14 meeting: Video - Minutes

Grand Jury Recommends Harbor District Be Dissolved

San Mateo County Harbor District 2014 Civil Grand Jury Report - What is the price of dysfunction?

There have been repeated recommendations and efforts to dissolve the Harbor District since the 1960's.  Voters approved dissolution in 1966 only to have the decision overturned by the courts on a technicality in 1969.

In 1991, in response to two consecutive years of Grand Jury recommendations for District dissolution, a county staff analysis estimated $670,000 (in 1991 dollars) could be saved in the first year if the County took over operation of the District’s two marinas.  It was estimated after year 2003, $1.5 million in property tax revenue would be available for other purposes annually.

Here is a summary of 1991 County Counsel memo regarding some issues involved in dissolution of the Harbor District.

Property Tax Revenue
If the Harbor District were dissolved, the property tax revenue now received by the District would be transferred to its successor agency.  The Board of Supervisors could determine that all taxes now received by the District should go to the County as successor agency.

Outstanding District Loans
With prior approval by the lender, the County could assume these loans upon approval of the Board of Supervisors and LAFCo.

Joint Powers Agreement for management of Oyster Point Marina
The Agreement between the District and South San Francisco is intended to be binding upon its successors until it expires in 2026.  It may be terminated or modified at any time by agreement of both parties.

Court ruling overturning 1966 dissolution
The cause of the court ruling that overturned the 1966 election on dissolution of the Harbor District was a technicality that would not occur today (Government Code 56336).

Recent articles on Grand Jury Report - HMB Review 7/17/14, Daily Journal 7/10/14

UPDATE 8/27/14:  Harbor District response to Grand Jury Report.

UPDATE 9/6/14:  Recommended response by Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo)

MCC Meeting July 23, 7pm


HMB Yacht Club Plan to Enhance Public Shoreline Access

Invasive Plants on the Coastside
Invasive Weeds - County pamphlet
California Invasive Plant Council website

Consent Agenda: Minutes for 6/25/14, 7/9/14
Letter to Caltrans re 2-way left turn arrows at Sam's Restaurant
Comments to Planning Dept re addition to house on shoreline at
        115 West Point Ave, Princeton

Location: Granada Sanitary District (GSD) meeting room
504 Ave Alhambra, third floor, El Granada

UPDATE:  7/23/14 meeting Video - Minutes

UPDATE:  Caltrans 8/26/14 reply re left turn arrows at Sam's

MWSD Community Workshop July 24

Montara Water & Sanitary District seeks public input on a long-term strategic plan that will guide their actions for years to come.

Community Workshop – Thursday, July 24, 6pm to 8pm
Cypress Meadows, 343 Cypress, Moss Beach

How should investments be prioritized?
What service improvements would customers like to see?
What challenges and opportunities should the District focus on?
What is your long-range vision for the District and community?

UPDATE:  7/24/14 meeting video on Youtube