MCC Meeting July 9, 7pm

Midcoast Highway 1 Crossings, Left Turns & Medians: Presentation 

  • Background: MCC 2012 comments on Hwy 1 Safety & Mobility Study — MCC 2012 support for TA grant for crossings/left-turns/medians

  • Motion approved 5-0 reaffirming support for the TA-funded planning & permitting project for Midcoast Highway 1 medians, left turns and crossing improvements. We continue to believe that these design elements are top priority and should be accomplished with urgency. 

Pillar Point Harbor Community Priorities (letter - approved)
Background: Presentation, Issues Page, prior letters 6/12/13, 9/10/13, 3/26/14

Consent Agenda: Treasurer's Report for July 9, 2014

Location: Granada Sanitary District (GSD) meeting room,
504 Ave Alhambra, third floor, El Granada

UPDATE:  7/9/14 Meeting Video -- Minutes

Big Wave Project at Design Review July 10

Big Wave Project is back with a North Parcel Alternative -
Major subdivision and development proposed for 15 acres of agricultural land and wetlands west of HMB Airport:
5-bldg business park – 189,000 s/f
4-bldg residential Wellness Center – 70,500 s/f
15-yr Development Agreement with County

July 10 Coastside Design Review Committee, 1pm at HMB Yacht Club:  Agenda - Notice Map -  Project Description for CDRC
Standard of design review for this project: Community Design Manual

Tentative permit processing schedule:
Mid-July: EIR 30-day circulation for public comment
Aug 13: Planning Commission (informational) at 9AM; MCC at 7PM
Oct 22: Planning Commission decision

Pillar Point Harbor Community Priorities - July 10

San Mateo County Harbor District is developing a Strategic Business Plan.  Public Meeting #1, Pillar Point Community Priorities, is intended to inform the community on project goals and objectives, gather input on priorities for Pillar Point Harbor, and discuss on-going opportunities for participation (flyer).

July 10, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Oceano Hotel, Montara Room, 280 Capistrano Rd, Princeton

UPDATE:  MCC initial comments 7/9/14
7/10/14 meeting VIDEO