El Granada 12-Unit Apartment Bldg at Design Review June 12

Thursday, June 12, 2014, 1:00 pm
SPECIAL VENUE:  HMB Yacht Club, 214 Princeton Ave, Princeton

The proposed 3-story “Mavericks” apartment building, at corner of Coronado & Avenue Portola, was presented at a pre-application public workshop on March 25.  That 15-unit plan has been downsized to 12 units and the “affordable” units have been left out.

AGENDA:  Consideration of design review recommendation to allow construction of a 24,321 sq. ft., new 3-story, 12-unit residential apartment building on an existing 16,909 sq. ft. legal parcel, as part of a Coastal Development Permit and Grading Permit. The Coastside Design Review Committee will not render a decision, but will make a recommendation regarding the project’s compliance with design review standards. The Coastal Development Permit and Grading Permit decisions will take place at a later date. Twenty-four (24) significant trees to be removed. The project is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.

Cover Sheet - Site Plan
Floor Plans:  Parking Level – First/Second Residential Floors
Exterior Elevations:  Portola/CoronadoWest/SouthExterior Colors
Conceptual Landscape Plan

Plan Princeton Proceeds Apace

Plan Princeton “Existing Conditions Report” is now available and will be presented to the Planning Commission at their May 28 meeting. 
This completes the second phase of the planning update project.  The first phase was the Community Visioning Report.

The next project phase will include a public workshop late this summer for the community to discuss, analyze, and comment on the conceptual alternatives prior to developing a preferred Princeton area land use plan.  

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Parking Lot Improvement Project

At their May 28 meeting (agenda), the County Planning Commission will consider improvements proposed for FMR parking lot at California and Lake St. (staff report).

“San Mateo County Parks Department proposes to install new stormwater management measures to slow and treat water runoff from the existing parking lot in accordance with State of California Water Resources Control Board requirements with sites identified as Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS). The project also involves the slight reconfiguration of the parking lot to provide two compliant ADA parking spaces, relocate four displaced spaces, and add new walkways and trail connections. The project does not involve the removal of any significant trees.”