MCC Meeting February 12, 7pm

Regular AGENDA:

Child & Adolescent Hotline & Prevention Program (flyer, Spanish)

Traffic Hazard on Prospect in Princeton (1/8/14 memo to DPW, email replies)

Barbara’s Fish Trap Restaurant Use Permit renewal/modification: permit app referral, project plans, excerpts from CCR Zoning Ordinance & Local Coastal Program (LCP)

Coastside Emergency Action Program (CEAP) Executive Committee MCC rep (letter - approved)

Consent Agenda:  Minutes for 1/8/14, 1/22/14, 2/1/14
Letter to Coastside Fire Protection District in support of Mission/Vision statements 

Location: Granada Sanitary District (GSD) meeting room,
504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada


County Hires Natural Resource Manager

Ramona Arechiga has been hired as Natural Resource Manager for County Parks.  This new managerial position was created as part of the return to a stand-alone County Parks Department. 

Arechiga has a master’s degree in forest resources from Oregon State University, and experience working for nonprofits and the Peace Corps. Originally from Redondo Beach, she recently moved to the Bay Area from Oregon.

Wicklow property transfer to County Parks

On 2/11/14 the Board of Supervisors is expected to approve the transfer of the 478-acre Wicklow property from Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) to County Parks.  The property surrounds Quarry Park in El Granada and provides connection from Rancho Corral de Tierra to Mirada Surf and the CA Coastal Trail (see map).  The $5,000 transfer costs will be covered from the Midcoast Parks Mitigation Fee account.

Harbor Pollution Study Final Report

San Mateo County Resource Conservation District (RCD) has published their Final Report on Identification and Remediation of Fecal Pollution in Pillar Point Harbor.  The study identifies sources of bacteria in the harbor and presents a plan to address them.

“The key lesson learned from this project is that the high fecal indicator bacteria counts at Capistrano Beach are a landscape-level issue, not based at or in the Harbor itself but rather in the upland urban area.”

MCC Special Meeting (Retreat), Sat, Feb 1

The annual MCC Administrative and Planning Retreat will be held Saturday, February 1, 2014, starting at 9:00 AM at Granada Sanitary District, 504 Alhambra, 3rd floor, El Granada.  The public is welcome. Supervisor Horsley will attend during the first hour to discuss his 2014 priorities for the Midcoast.

Supervisor Horsley's 2014 Midcoast priorities
County 2014 Planning Dept Workplan
County 2014 DPW Midcoast Workplan
MCC 2014 Issues/Projects
MCC Policies/Procedures (2/1/14 update)
MCC 2014 Government Meetings & Task Assignments (adopted)

UPDATE:  2/1/14 Minutes