MCC Meeting June 12, 7:00 pm

Granada Sanitary District (GSD) meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada.

Regular Agenda:

Pillar Point Harbor Shoreline Erosion & Dredging: slide presentation
letter to SMC Harbor Commission (approved)
letter to Congresswoman Jackie Speier (approved)
Jackie Speier 5/24/13 letter to Coastal Commission
Harbor Shoreline Erosion 5/29/13 Meeting Report & Presentation

Selection of MCC Rep to Princeton Plan Steering Committee   
(background email)

Consent Agenda: 5/22/13 MCC Minutes6/12/13 Treasurer’s Report

UPDATE:  6/17/13 reply from Congresswoman Jackie Speier

Harbor Commission Appoints Holsinger

Newly appointed Harbor Commissioner is San Mateo attorney Will Holsinger, by a vote of 3-1, with Commissioner Brennan voting for Nicole David, Marine Biologist from Half Moon Bay.  This is Holsinger’s second appointment to the Harbor Commission.  He was appointed to finish Sally Campbell’s term in 2012, but failed to win election that November.

Holsinger’s new appointment expires in November 2014 at which time he will need to seek election by the voters in order to complete the final 2 years of the vacancy left by the late Commissioner Leo Padreddi.  The November 2014 election will also include the seats of Commissioners Tucker and Bernardo.

Harbor Dredging – Perched Beach Update

Pillar Point Harbor boat launch ramp dredging permit is scheduled for the June 14 Coastal Commission meeting in Long Beach, after being pulled from the April agenda due to public concerns about diminishing coastal access at Perched Beach dredge disposal site in the inner harbor where the kayak stand is located.

Staff report recommends permit approval for a reduced scale alternative that limits dredge disposal to half of the upland area at Perched Beach.  The amount of dredge will be reduced from 5,600 to 3,500 cubic yards, which is said to be the minimum necessary to clear all the launch ramps.  The footprint for placement on Perched Beach would be reduced from 2/3 of an acre to less than 1/5 of an acre (per modified site plan).  The material would be placed up against the berm on the east side and no closer than 100 feet from the water’s edge, instead of within a few feet from the sandy shoreline.

After the 30-day dewatering period, the material would be spread within the reduced footprint to form a slope, rather than a large step down, from the access road and Coastal Trail on the east side.

Coastal Commission staff considers protecting the eroded section of West Shoreline Trail a potential good use for harbor dredge material, but permitting for aquatic (rather than upland) disposal would take at least a year. 

Other nearby sites for beach nourishment are more complicated.  Surfer’s Beach alternative awaits results of the Army Corps of Engineers lengthy ongoing study in a cost share arrangement with the Harbor District.  Alternatively, the Harbor District could potentially fund the disposal of material at Surfer’s Beach, but additional Corps and Marine Sanctuary approvals would be needed.  Princeton Shoreline alternative awaits completion of the County’s shoreline plan just getting underway, which may take several years.

UPDATE:  6/14/13 Coastal Commission approved the permit for reduced scale dredging with conditions per the staff report described above.  The staff report has been updated with additional correspondence, including letter from Supervisor Horsley and 6/12/13 MCC slide presentation.

UPDATE 6/17/13:  In order to secure permit approval, at Coastal Commission staff request, Harbor District General Manager, Peter Grenell, submitted 6/13/13 letter outlining plans for dredge disposal going forward, assuring the CCC that alternate disposal sites would be sought with “particular attention to beneficial uses, such as sand replenishment for eroding beaches.”

Per 1/30/13 CCC email, Coastal Development Permits were not obtained for the two previous launch ramp maintenance dredge disposal events (1998 & 2006) at “Perched” Beach, which was not considered a dredge disposal site by CCC.

Selection of New Harbor Commissioner June 5

San Mateo County Harbor Commission will conduct candidate interviews and appoint the preferred candidate to fill the Harbor Commission vacancy at a special meeting:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013, at 5pm.
Comfort Inn, 2930 Cabrillo Highway, Half Moon Bay.
Harbor District Agendas are here.

UPDATE:  HMB Review article introduces the 5 applicants for Harbor Commissioner.

UPDATE 6/4/13: Questions for the Harbor Commissioner candidates (posted on Montara Fog)