Rancho volunteer day Saturday, March 2

The National Park Service will hold its first drop-in volunteer day at Rancho Corral de Tierra on Saturday, March 2, 2013, from 9 to noon. Tasks will include maintenance of fencing along the trail corridor, as well as removal of invasive French broom. Volunteers ages 10 and up are welcome. Work is suitable for all abilities; training and tools will be provided.

Experience an exciting morning of trail restoration and volunteering in your National Park! Protect Rancho's natural resources, and have fun with your neighbors! Volunteers are encouraged to walk, bike, or carpool to the meeting location, and numbers will be limited to minimize impact on the surrounding neighborhood.  Registration is required.

MCC Meeting 2/27/13, 7pm, GSD

Location:  Granada Sanitary District (GSD), 504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada.

Regular AGENDA items for discussion and possible action, with links to supporting documents:

MCC Treasurer Action Items:
--Elect new MCC Treasurer
--Approve acceptance of annual MCC $3,000 appropriation from County (1, 2)
--Approve DRAFT Treasurer Procedures

MCC Regular Meeting Place Change to Granada Sanitary District (1, 2, 3) (approved)

MCC Meeting Start Time Change to 7:00 PM (approved)



County Parks Draft Strategic Plan

San Mateo County Parks new draft Strategic Plan provides a 5-year road map to accommodate the future needs of the parks and their visitors. 

On March 7, 2013 at 2:30 p.m., the San Mateo County Parks Commission and the Board of Supervisors' Parks Subcommittee (Horsley and Pine) will be holding a joint meeting to discuss the Draft Strategic Plan and receive public comments and input on it.  The meeting will be held at the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 400 County Center, Redwood City.   You may also submit comments via email by February 26.

MCC Meeting 2/13/13, 7pm, GSD

Granada Sanitary District (GSD), 504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada.

AGENDA highlights (with links to supporting documents):

Highway 1 Parallel Trail segment priority for TA Measure A funding (background  --  comment Erickson)

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve - review of infrastructure projects and natural resource protection issues. (presentation)

Letter (approved) in support of County's Transportation Planning Grant application (item on Consent Agenda - background)