Propane Bulk Storage Facility on Airport St

2015 July: County letter to Buck’s Butane/Propane: CDP required for expansion and intensification of use.
2022 April: Planning Commission hearing to consider after-the-fact Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to legalize development and expansion of use done without permits since the late 80’s (staff report, correspondence). The Planning Commission significantly modified the proposed permit before approving (list): eliminating storage of additional tanks or trucks, whether empty or full, and requiring modification of the perimeter fence to improve aesthetics and remove encroachment into ROW to provide space for bus stop amenities. No action could be taken during this process in regard to the 15,000-gal tank, which is considered “grandfathered” because it pre-exists the Coastal Act and the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.
2022 Sept: Board of Supervisors heard an appeal of the Planning Commission decision and voted 5-0 to deny the appeal and direct the Planning Dept to add to its work plan a proposal to phase out (amortize) the existing uses by rezoning the parcel. Staff report — Appellant Green Foothills letter
2024 Jan: The 15,000-gal tank was hauled away, after “flaring” to safely burn off any remaining gas.
MCC comment letters & other source documents
2004 Robert Shaw letter, Consulting Environmental Planner for SMC Office of Housing, regarding use of CDBG funds, “Siting of HUD-assisted projects near hazardous operations”
2015 July 17: County letter to Buck’s Butane/Propane: CDP required for expansion and intensification of use
2017 Jan 11: MCC agenda item with Supervisor Horsley in attendance
2017 Feb 8: HMB Review article & editorial
2017 Oct 11: MCC detailed minutes re gas leaks, with Supervisor Horsley and County Planner in attendance
2017 Oct 25: HMB Review article
2018 Sept 26: MCC comments on referral of CDP application to legalize expansion of propane distribution facility
2019 July 10: MCC comments on referral of revised CDP application for Airport St Propane Facility