Midcoast Community Council Meetings
Regular MCC meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at Granada Community Services District (GCSD) meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, third floor, El Granada. Meetings are in hybrid format and the public is encouraged to attend via teleconference (Zoom). See meeting agenda for details.
Agendas are available by email. Sign up here.
Meetings are broadcast on Pacific Coast TV (Cable Channel 27). Video links are included with each meeting post/archive and are generally available within 48 hours of the meeting.
See Meetings Archive for concise list of past meetings with video links.
About MCC
Midcoast Community Council is an elected Municipal Advisory Council to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, representing unincorporated Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Princeton, and Miramar. The Council has seven members elected by Midcoast voters to four-year terms. Councilmembers serve without compensation and without staff.
The MCC was established in May 1991 by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors' Resolution 55042 and approved by Midcoast voters in November 1991 as specified by Resolution 55256 with the simultaneous election of the first seven councilmembers.
Summary history of the formation of the MCC.
List of Councilmembers 1991-2024
SMC Boards & Commissions Handbook & website
Standing Rules for County Boards/Advisory Councils (amended 2024)
Guide to the Brown Act 2024 - Open & Public Meetings
Purposes of the MCC
as stated in its Bylaws:
To provide the Community with a more effective means to express its views to the County of San Mateo and other governmental agencies on matters of concern to the Community;
To contribute to the Community's awareness of issues of public import by providing a forum for discussions, and sponsoring meetings, discussions, and other events which will contribute to the general welfare, knowledge and awareness of the Community regarding such issues;
To seek to preserve the rural small-town character of the area by protecting the existence of agricultural lands, commercial fishing activities and the natural marine environment; supporting the retention of a greenbelt around urban areas of the County of San Mateo; maintaining the coastal protections afforded by the County Local Coastal Plan and Measure A (1986), and seeking to manage growth in a manner which is consistent with the present character of the area;
To assist the Community in developing and expressing a long range vision of the Community which meets the goals of its residents for an improved quality of life, protection of the environment, and sound economic planning;
To assist the many associations, organizations, ad hoc groups and individuals of the Community, who seek to communicate with the County of San Mateo and other governmental agencies about matters of public interest, in bringing issues before the Community and in representing the Community before such governmental bodies.
To provide a vehicle for exploring the feasibility and merits of governmental organization alternatives, including but not limited to incorporation or annexation.
Policies & Procedures
Guide to the Brown Act 2024
Addtional specific policies and procedures adopted by the Council:
Rosenberg's Rules of Order (1/8/2012)
MCC Policies and Procedures (1/28/2017)
MCC Treasurer Procedures 2013
MCC Website Policy (6/11/2012) Website Committee (disbanded)
MCC outbound communication policy (3/23/2022) Website Filename policy (3/23/2022)
MCC Bylaws — adopted 12/9/1992
Efforts to amend:
2000 County Counsel letter re MCC Bylaws
2010 draft proposed Bylaws Update. No action taken.
2011 County Counsel proposed Bylaws update, email & red-lined version, and email on Bylaws inconsistencies. No action taken.
MCC Elections History
List of Councilmembers 1991-2024
Apr 2023 Board of Supervisors appoint Kimberly Williams & Ann Rothman
Nov 2022 MCC Election Certification
Nov 2020 MCC Election Certification
Mar 2019 Board of Supervisors appoint Tamar Powell
Nov 2018 MCC Election Certification
Nov 2017 Board of Supervisors appoint Barbra Mathewson
Nov 2016 MCC Election Certification
Nov 2015 Board of Supervisors appoint Claire Toutant
Resolution 2015-1 MCC Election Change to Even-Numbered Years
Nov. 2013 MCC Election Certification - SmartVoter Election Results
Nov. 2011 MCC Election Certification - SmartVoter Election Results
Nov. 2009 MCC Election Certification
Jan. 2009 BoS appoint Sabrina Brennan
2009 Board of Supervisors staff report requesting a Resolution making elected directors of other local government agencies ineligible to serve on MCC (resolution adopted). MCC letter in response
2005 County Counsel letter stating no incompatibility of office for MCC members.
1998 Supervisor Gordon memo re MCC vacancy appointment procedure