Harbor West Trail Construction Begins Dec 20 — Midcoast Community Council

Harbor West Trail Construction Begins Dec 20

Construction on the Pillar Point Harbor West Trail Living Shoreline Project will begin on December 20, 2021, and will be underway until April 2022. The Project will result in some temporary inconveniences. Parking will be limited as the West Trail parking lot is being used as a construction staging area. The West Trail will remain open, however there may be temporary closures. If you plan to use the Trail please be careful while walking around construction areas and keep dogs leashed. Call 911 in case of emergency.

The Living Shoreline, consisting of a combination of cobble and sand dunes, will protect an eroding segment of the West Trail. The Project will restore beach and dune habitat within the harbor and allow for continued public and emergency vehicle access along the trail. The ~300 linear foot living shoreline project has been designed to provide a lasting natural defense against coastal erosion and sea level rise. The Project also includes Improvements to the existing storm drain system in this area. The existing hillside storm drain will be undergrounded along the hillside slope and drainage will be routed to a new Bioretention Basin before discharging to Pillar Point Marsh. This restored freshwater connection will provide ecological benefits to the marsh ecosystem.
Learn more.
