Agenda for January 27, 2016, 7:00 PM
GCSD meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd floor, El Granada
Supporting documents:
Consent agenda: Minutes for Jan 13, 2016, Minutes for Jan 23, 2016

The Wine Room, Moss Beach: letter from County Counsel — liquor license application process — existing local on-sale licenses
Enlarged cell monopole, 500 California Ave: visual simulations — relevant LCP policies — 2006 MCC comments — Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance
Coastal Commission: MCC letter (approved)
Capitol Weekly: CCC executive director under fire
LA Times: CCC considers firing executive director
OpEd by former Coastal Commssioner Steve Blank
Coastal Commission Vote Summary
UPDATE: 1/27/16 meeting video & minutes
The Wine Room MCC letter
Cell monopole MCC comments