El Granada 12-Unit Apartment Bldg at Design Review June 12 — Midcoast Community Council

El Granada 12-Unit Apartment Bldg at Design Review June 12

Thursday, June 12, 2014, 1:00 pm
SPECIAL VENUE:  HMB Yacht Club, 214 Princeton Ave, Princeton

The proposed 3-story “Mavericks” apartment building, at corner of Coronado & Avenue Portola, was presented at a pre-application public workshop on March 25.  That 15-unit plan has been downsized to 12 units and the “affordable” units have been left out.

AGENDA:  Consideration of design review recommendation to allow construction of a 24,321 sq. ft., new 3-story, 12-unit residential apartment building on an existing 16,909 sq. ft. legal parcel, as part of a Coastal Development Permit and Grading Permit. The Coastside Design Review Committee will not render a decision, but will make a recommendation regarding the project’s compliance with design review standards. The Coastal Development Permit and Grading Permit decisions will take place at a later date. Twenty-four (24) significant trees to be removed. The project is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.

Cover Sheet - Site Plan
Floor Plans:  Parking Level – First/Second Residential Floors
Exterior Elevations:  Portola/CoronadoWest/SouthExterior Colors
Conceptual Landscape Plan
