Pillar Point Harbor’s West Shoreline Trail extends from the parking lot at Pillar Point Marsh out to the west breakwater and Mavericks Beach. It is a very popular recreational trail and important emergency vehicle access point.
Just south of the marsh where the trail meets the harbor beach, a section is being eroded by wave action. In places the erosion encroaches directly into the trail. Since 2011 a bench and surrounding section of trail have been closed off with yellow caution tape. Ongoing erosion threatens closure of the trail if something is not done.
The trail belongs to the Harbor District. It was granted to the District when the breakwater was built. The trail is public coastal access as partial mitigation for harbor construction. Repair and protection of the trail is listed as a District top priority, studies were completed a year ago, and funds were budgeted for the actual repair work during 2012-13. Inexplicably, the project is on hold.

The engineering study with repair alternatives is now a year old and has yet to be released to the Harbor Commissioners and the public. There has not yet been any public discussion of preferred erosion protection alternative, nor any Harbor District action to initiate the complicated permitting process. The proposed project alternatives are all forms of armoring. Beach nourishment with harbor dredge material is not considered in the report.
Coincidentally the Harbor District is looking for sites to put dredge material, and one current project, to dredge the area at the boat launch ramp, may be a possible source of beach nourishment for the West Shoreline Trail.
2012 West Trail Erosion Study, via Public Records Request: Draft Condition Survey & Repair Alternatives — Draft Coastal Engineering Analysis — Construction Cost Estimates — Permitting Strategy Memo