The second regular MCC meeting of this month, which would fall on December 23rd, is canceled due to the holidays. MCC will resume its regular meetings on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021.
Mirada Rd Bridge Replacement Neg/Dec
MCC Special Meeting - December 16, 2020 (Zoom only)
MCC Special Meeting Agenda for December 16, 2020.
The meeting will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available at the top of the agenda.
Supporting documents:
Guide to the Brown Act — Rosenberg's Rules of Order
MCC Regular Meeting - December 9, 2020 (Zoom only)
MCC Regular Meeting Agenda for December 9, 2020.
The meeting will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom (link). There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available at the top of the agenda.
Supporting material:
Consent: Draft Minutes for November 18, 2020
Medio Bridge Replacement: County presentation & memo
Vallemar Bluff Habitat Restoration Update 2020
The grassland on Vallemar Bluff just north of Julianna in Moss Beach is rare Coastal Prairie habitat that will be restored and protected by a Conservation Easement as part of the approval of four new homes on Vallemar St. in 2019.
During 2020, the restoration team has been conducting invasive plant management and seed collection and propagation. Major restoration tasks at the site during the first two weeks in December will require some heavy equipment (supervised by biologists) and will include:
Removal of ice plant (~6,400 sf), ornamental shrubs, and wood chips.
Recontouring of mounded soil.
Planting ~ 7,400 native plants of seven different species, which Go Native propagated from site-collected seed.
Due to the dry weather forecast, the new plantings will be irrigated this first season. Restoration work will continue over the next four years.