Midcoast Community Council

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Highway 1 Hearing @ Planning Commission: Feb. 28th, 9am

On Feb. 28, 2024, at 9:00 AM, the County Planning Commission will consider a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the implementation of the State Route 1 Multi-Asset Roadway Rehabilitation Project  extending between Wavecrest Rd, HMB, and Marine Blvd at the south end of Moss Beach.  This CDP application covers only the portion within the unincorporated area.  The public may attend the meeting remotely via Zoom, or in person in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 400 County Center, Redwood City.

Agenda with instructions on how to attend and comment is here.
Staff Report for Item 2 is here.
More background on the project is here.

Project Summary:  The purpose of the Project is to preserve and extend the life of the roadway to a condition that will require minimal maintenance expenditures, improve the ride quality, replace drainage systems, improve roadway safety, enhance pedestrian and bicycle access, and upgrade the traffic system infrastructure. The pavement on SR-1 in the Project area was evaluated by Caltrans in 2016 and found to be in poor condition overall. If left untreated, this portion of SR-1 will continue to provide poor ride quality to users and will require frequent, expensive maintenance. Portions of the highway are near the acceptable roughness threshold, but continued pavement degradation is expected over time. In addition, existing highway elements and facilities in the Project area are worn out or functionally obsolete and need to be replaced. The current traffic systems (e.g., guard rails, crash cushions, and drainage) are approaching the end of their functional life and need to be upgraded. The Project has been designed in collaboration with both the County and the City of Half Moon Bay to avoid potential conflicts with other local projects.

Caltrans plans to begin construction in 2025. The Project is anticipated to be completed across two construction seasons (i.e., when construction can occur without the need to implement special provisions for winter conditions). However, ground-disturbing work will occur and be restored on site within each work season for any work area. Construction activities may occur in both daytime and nighttime hours. Construction completion date is anticipated to be in the year 2026.  The Project will be constructed within Caltrans ROW and will not alter existing or future land uses.