Midcoast Community Council

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Pillar Point RV Park Public Restroom, Views, Amenities: HMB Planning Commission July 9

Half Moon Bay Planning Commission Public Hearing
Tuesday, July 9, 2019, 7:00 pm
EOC, 537 Kelly Ave, HMB

The agenda includes links to staff report, plans, and conditions of appoval. The community is encouraged to attend, learn more about this project and share their input. 

This project includes the construction of a new public restroom facility with three all-gender stalls, an outdoor shower, drinking fountains, benches, minor realignment of the Coastal Trail to provide additional buffer from the adjacent shoreline, public parking reconfiguration, and the addition of ADA parking spaces. 

Also under consideration is an after-the-fact Coastal Development Permit for the existing RV Park layout and operations which will address the many issues cataloged in the MCC 1/28/15 letter.

The RV Park was developed in 1999 without Coastal Development Permit, under long-term lease, on a Harbor District parcel that had been used for many decades as public beach parking with restroom facilities.  The public restroom, a key amenity in this popular beach area, was closed. A wall of closely planted cypress trees grew up along the highway to block public ocean views. Parking fees of $10/day were imposed on the small remaining day-use lot which lacked the amenities promised in the RV Park lease. There were attempts to legalize long-term RV stays, contrary to Coastal Act public access policies

UPDATE 8/19/19:  The CDP for the RV Park was approved 7/9/19 by the HMB Planning Commission to include a new public restroom, outdoor showers, reduced number of RV spaces to 40, reconfiguration of day-use parking and Coastal Trail, and landscape improvements to restore public ocean views and to provide more appropriately-sized screening for the RV’s from the highway and the Coastal Trail.

Final FindingsConditions of Approval