Midcoast Community Council

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Midcoast LED streetlight replacement project scheduled

The San Mateo County Department of Public works has notified the MCC that PG&E has now received all of the material required to start the LED streetlight replacement project (see Roads and Streetlights for the background on this project).

PG&E plans to start the replacement of the existing streetlights in the two Midcoast lighting districts, starting the week of January 23, 2017.   All streetlights in the districts will be replaced, with the low intensity, "amber" LED fixtures recommended by the MCC, based on community feedback.

Update on Thurs, Jan 26, 2017: As of this afternoon, the County DPW and PG&E have stopped the replacement project.   It is stopped because the incorrect fixtures ("white", and brighter than those planned) were being installed.  The project will remain on hold while they determine what happened, and how and when the correct fixtures will be installed. If you have questions, please contact me: Dave Olson, daveolsonmcc@gmail.com