Midcoast Community Council

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Big Wave Project at Board of Supervisors May 19

SMC Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to consider approvals of the Big Wave Project (meeting notice)
     Tuesday, May 19, 2015, at 9:00 AM
     Board of Supervisors Chambers, 400 County Center, Redwood City

The Big Wave Project North Parcel Alternative is a major development proposed on 2 parcels of agricultural land and wetlands west of HMB Airport. The current version consists of 8 buildings on the north parcel, including 176,000 sq.ft. of industrial or office space, a sanitarium, or "Wellness Center", for up to 50 developmentaly disabled adults and 20 live-in caretakers, and 462 parking spaces.  The south parcel would contain 92 public beach access parking spaces and a boat storage facility. Phased construction is proposed over a 15-year period per a Development Agreement with the County. 

The Planning Commission approved the project last January (MCC letter) but various community groups appealed the decision to the Board of Supervisors.   Staff Report - Summary - Attachments

MCC Big Wave Issues Page has more details and links to earlier documents. 
Contact Project Planner Camille Leung with questions, cleung@smcgov.org
Comments to the Board of Supervisors may be emailed to:
     Carole Groom CGroom@smcgov.org
     Don Horsley dhorsley@smcgov.org
     Dave Pine DPine@smcgov.org
     Warren Slocum wslocum@smcgov.org
     Adrienne Tissier atissier@smcgov.org

UPDATE 5/19/15:  

SMC Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the latest version of the Big Wave North Parcel Alternative at their May 19, 2015, meeting.  Negotiations have been ongoing this spring between the Appellants, Coastal Commission staff and the Applicants, assisted by County staff, to resolve a list of concerns. 

Committee for Green Foothills’ letter acknowledged the Applicant’s willingness to reduce the overall square footage of Business Park uses from 189,000 to 176,000 sq.ft. and agree to a conservation easement on the south parcel to restrict the size and use of future development there. 

Coastal Commission staff wrote in support of permit approval saying the current project, as conditioned by the County, appears to address any remaining Local Coastal Program (LCP) issues. 

UPDATE 5/28/15:  Letter of Decision includes all Conditions of Approval