Midcoast Community Council

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Big Wave Project appealed to County Supervisors

A group appeal of the Big Wave Project to the Board of Supervisors was filed today.  The Appellant organizations are Committee for Green Foothills, Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club, San Mateo Chapter of Surfrider Foundation, and the Pillar Ridge Homeowners Association.

The Appellant organizations would like to see whether any of the issues listed as basis for the appeal can be resolved at the County level before the project comes before the Board of Supervisors.  The process would include the Applicants, Appellants, County Planning staff, and Coastal Commission staff (if they are able to come).  It is hoped that Supervisor Horsley would be wiling to convene this group.  This has worked well in the past with some other contentious development projects, and could work for Big Wave.