Midcoast Community Council

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La Costanera Restaurant Daytime Hours Denied

Long pending Use Permit (UP) Amendment for the Montara Beach dinner restaurant, La Costanera, to expand to daytime hours was denied today by the County Planning Commission 5-0.   (staff report)

In addition to the impact on local parking for beach access, Commissioners expressed concern at the years of unaddressed Code Violations at this Montara Beach business. County staff said that was because the UP Amendment has been pending since 2006 and the plan was to address the violations via conditions of approval.  Now that there is no longer any UP Amendment pending, County staff assured the Commission that the many UP and building violations will be addressed via their Code Compliance section.

MCC 9/22/14 comments with attached web quotesphotos
MCC previous comments on this issue: 3/12/14 and 12/12/12
Comments from others: Committee for Green FoothillsSurfrider San Mateo CountyDeborah Lardie

UPDATE 9/30/14:  
Planning Commission Letter of Decision with Findings for Denial
La Costanera Restaurant info sheet highlighting use outside allowed business hours and over the 189-seat capacity.

UPDATE:  Appeal filed by applicant on 10/3/14 to Board of Supervisors.

UPDATE:  12/23/14 Violation Notice from County Planning Director to owners of La Costanera Restaurant