Midcoast Community Council

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Big Wave North Parcel Alternative Environmental Review

An Addendum to the 2010 Big Wave Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is available for 30-day public review and comment ending September 2. Digital copies are available on the County website, and hard copies are located at HMB Library and Granada Sanitary District office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, El Granada.

At a MCC special-venue meeting August 13, the county project planner will provide an overview presentation of the Big Wave North Parcel Alternative and the EIR Addendum.  The project applicant will be available to answer questions. 

Wednesday, August 13, 7:00 pm  (flyer - AGENDA)
Pillar Ridge Community Center, 164 Culebra, Moss Beach
Access from Airport St & continue west to parking lot  >>Please carpool<<

A Planning Commission hearing to consider approval of this project is tentatively scheduled for October 22 on the Coastside.  Public comment on the project may be submitted to the Planning Commission until their final hearing, but comments received after the Sept 2 deadline for comment on the EIR Addendum will not be included in the County's written response to comments. 

Contact person: Camille Leung, Project Planner, cleung@smcgov.org

UPDATE:  8/13/14 Planning staff presentation - meeting video - minutes

UPDATE:  8/27/14 MCC comments