Midcoast Community Council

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Big Wave North Parcel Alternative Project Comments

September 2 is the last day to submit comments on the Big Wave EIR Addendum in order to have them included in the County’s written Response to Comments. 

MCC 8/27/14 comment letter
Video of 8/27 MCC presentation/discussion of comment letter
Submit comments to: Camille Leung, Project Planner, cleung@smcgov.org
Project environmental documents (County page)
MCC issues page on Big Wave Project

The Addendum to the 2010 Big Wave Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was available for 30-day public review and comment July 31 – September 2.  Public comment on the project may be submitted up until the Planning Commission decision hearing, but comments received after the September 2 deadline will not be included in the County’s written Response to Comments.