Midcoast Community Council

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Supervisor Don Horsley on Moss Beach Park

Dear Midcoast Residents, 

Your passionate testimony at the Midcoast Community Council meeting, the phone calls to my office, and the dozens of emails I have read this week, have made one thing very clear- we need to save Moss Beach Park. For the past week, my office has been working diligently with County Counsel and the Tax Collector’s Office to determine what we can do to fix this problem.  After reviewing the details of what led to the sale and the conditions of the sale we have determined that the County has the legal standing to cancel the sale and return the land and park to its previous owner. 

During a meeting I held with the Tax Collector’s Office and County Counsel this morning, the Tax Collector’s Office agreed to cancel the sale provided that the outstanding property tax, amounting to $8,035.79, is paid in full by September 16.  With just over two weeks to collect these funds, it may be tight but I know that together we can do it.

On Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00PM there will be a town hall meeting at the Farallone View Elementary School to discuss the Moss Beach Park.  I am looking forward to attending this meeting, speaking with the community about the future of the Moss Beach Park, and discussing how to raise the funds needed to pay the outstanding property tax bill.  Together, we can preserve this vital community asset.  Thank you for all of your help and involvement in this matter and I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday night. 


UPDATE 8/31/13:  The Shenkman family, owners of Sam’s Chowder House, have offered to pay the entire $8,000 property tax bill for Moss Beach Park.

UPDATE 9/4/13:  Bill Hill, treasurer of Moss Beach Park non-profit, explains what happened to park funds and why property taxes weren’t paid.