Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community

This page is intended for the September 14 and 28, 2022 MCC meetings. See the Cypress Point planning page for full background. The San Mateo County Project page may also be helpful.

Supporting Documents from the July 2022 CDP Submittal

Issues to consider for the July 2022 submittal

This list is not in any priority order, it is a list (and not a complete list) of potential issues that might be mentioned in an MCC letter to the planner and Planning Commission

  • Traffic mitigation

  • Water Supply

  • Fire safety (evacuation, firefighting water, etc.)

  • Local preference (work or live)

  • Parking (not enough, too much)

  • Hazardous substance testing and/or cleanup

  • Style, size, or number of buildings

  • Additional non-vehicle transit (bus, on-demand, car-pool), separate from mitigation

  • Safety (roadways, fire)

  • Midcoast ECO lawsuit on LCP density amendment

  • Construction impact (on traffic, neighbors, etc).

  • Adequacy of Biological, Geological, etc. reports

  • Loss of Open Space

  • Stormwater drainage