2020 Census - Be Counted!

The 2020 Census is here and the Midcoast is lagging far behind the rest of the county in response rates. While San Mateo County is at 66% and Half Moon Bay is at 69%, the areas of El Granada/Miramar and Montara/Moss Beach/Princeton are at 37% and 35% respectively. (Data accurate as of 4/30/20)

It's critical that everyone in our community is counted! The 2020 Census impacts congressional and state legislative districts, and funding for things like hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and more. 

Go to my2020census.gov to fill out your 2020 Census Form.

If you have a mailbox, you should have received a 12-digit Census ID. However, many of us on the Midcoast have PO Boxes and didn't receive a code. If that is the case for you, just select the option on the bottom of the page that says you don't have a Census ID, and continue from there. The entire process should take about 10 minutes.

Please share this message with your neighbors and friends on the Midcoast. One way to do that is to complete the 2020 Census Challenge. Take a photo once you complete the Census and tag #SMCcounts and #EveryoneCounts on your Twitter or Instagram.

Town Hall on Race & Coronavirus May 1, 2020

San Mateo County Office of Diversity & Equity Council (DEC) presents: 
          a Race & Coronavirus Town Hall
          Friday, May 1, 2020, 11:00-1:00PM

For questions or additional information, please contact the DEC Co-Chairs
Brenda Nunez at brenda.nunez@star-vista.org (650) 477-4295, or
Frances Lobos at flobos@smcgov.org (650) 372-3272

Please join community partners in a discussion on COVID-19 related
impacts on people of color, LGBTQ+, and low-income communities.
We will discuss priorities and strategies to support our communities.

Register for the zoom meeting
Download the poster.

Have you participated in a Midcoast Community Council virtual meeting?

The MCC has had two virtual meetings so far, as allowed by Governor Newsom's emergency orders bypassing some Brown Act requirements on physical presence.

We will have another meeting today (April 22) at 7 :10pm.

Some councilmembers, and some participants have reported having problems with the virtual meeting (video quality, or more importantly in some ways, audio quality).

I've been doing the technical part of running the meetings, and I'd like to hear what kinds of problems people have been having, and whether you ordinarily have satisfactory internet experiences (particularly with videos or listening to music, or better yet, any form of internet conference call).

Please let me know by email directly to my MCC account (daveolsonmcc@gmail.com). I will not share your contact information if you ask me not to do so, but I'm trying to find out how widespread the problems may be, and how severe they are.

It would be useful to me to know if you have problems over many minutes, or just occasional glitches. If you tried to connect to the meeting, but couldn't, I"m even more interested in those issues, and how you connected (phone only, app on a phone, app on a computer, or browser on a computer).

Thanks, Dave Olson, Councilmember

MCC Meeting, April 22, 2020 (Conducted Remotely)

MCC Agenda for April 22, 2020

The meeting will be conducted remotely as a telephone and videoconference. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comment are available in the first page of the agenda.

Additionally, Pacific Coast TV will broadcast this meeting live on local cable channel 27, and it will also be shown on the top page of their website.  Both will be one-way, you won't be able to comment or ask questions.

Supporting material:
Consent: April 8, 2020, minutes
Connect the Coastside Update Presentation - Note

UPDATE: 4/22/20 meeting Video & Minutes

Take the Midcoast Transportation Survey!

The Midcoast Community Council and the County of San Mateo are co-hosting a survey to learn how people on the Midcoast walk, bike, drive, and ride. Your feedback will help shape future transportation and mobility projects! 

The survey takes just a few minutes to complete. If now’s not a good time, visit the first page of the survey and provide your email address to receive a reminder and stay up-to-date on other Midcoast topics.

English version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/midcoast_survey

Spanish version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/encuesta_midcoast