HMB Seeks Funding for Cabrillo Hwy Bike/Ped Trail Connection to Midcoast

The City of Half Moon Bay is submitting grant applications to San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA) to help fund connecting segments of the bike/pedestrian trail along the east side of Cabrillo Highway to the northern city limit at Mirada/Alto Roads.  San Mateo County is finalizing the design/permitting process for the first Midcoast segment of this Cabrillo Hwy Trail (Mirada Rd to Coronado signal – orange dots on map).   

County Long-Range Planning Projects: 2018-19

Long-range planning efforts involve studies, plans and regulations, rather than actual projects to be built.  The County Planning Dept has an ambitious list of planning projects for 2018-2019, most of them countywide or specific to North Fair Oaks: Work Plan (You'll need a large monitor to view this.)

Plans specific for the Coastside include:

  • Connect the Coastside wrap up winter/spring 2018 (begun in 2014 but stalled since 2016).

  • Plan Princeton wrap up by end summer 2018 (begun in 2013 but stalled since 2015).

  • Farm Labor Housing Guidebook.

  • Cypress Point Affordable Housing is listed here, covering only the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Local Coastal Program amendments required to downsize the land use to medium density and do away with the 148-unit approved PUD district.

Regarding MCC request for updated Neighborhood Commercial development standards specific for the Midcoast (3/22/17 MCC letter - presentation  - reply - 4/12/17 follow-up letter), and a consistent definition of how building height is measured (11/8/17 MCC letter), the County has relegated these to a wish list of future but unscheduled projects, due to the busy workload prioritized for the next two years.

Caltrans Assesses Climate Change Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure

Caltrans has released their District 4 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, 2018. This is the first of a series of reports to cover all districts in the state transportation system.  The report analyzes future transportation vulnerabilities in the Bay Area due to climate change -- temperature, precipitation, wildfire, sea level rise, storm surge, and combined effects.

This is the first step towards planning for a State Highway System that is more resilient to major storm events in the short term and to climate change in the long term.