Princeton Waterfront Street-End Improvements Coming

Coastal access improvements have long been a goal for the waterfront street ends in Princeton.  Supervisor Horsley has recently allocated funding from district-specific Measure K County funds for the Princeton Street-End Waterfront Access Improvement Project.  Dept of Public Works will oversee the permitting and construction.

Broadway:  $22,000 was allocated for a viewing area where the existing guard rail will be moved back from the bluff edge to make room for two wood benches. The concept plan was reviewed by MCC in Feb 2017. 

Columbia and West Point:  $40,000 has been allocated for beach access improvements at these street ends (staff report). County staff will gather MCC and public input as the plans are developed. Adjacent property owners will also be notified in advance of project implementation. 

Board of Supervisors Approve Big Wave Project Modifications June 6

On June 6, 2017, the Board of Supervisors approved amendments to the 2015 15-year Development Agreement for the Big Wave North Parcel Alternative (NPA) Project. Modified project phasing will allow construction of a large brewery on Lot 4 of the Business Park (labeled D on the below image) as the first building of the Big Wave Project.

MCC comments expressed strong opposition to the proposed modifications of construction phasing (5/24/17 MCC presentation).
More letters: Committee for Green Foothills, Sierra Club, Resist Density
June 7 news article (SM Daily Journal) 

Board of Supervisors staff report and attachments:
A. Revised Development Agreement
B. Draft Ordinance
C. 2015 Approved Site Plan and Tentative Map
D. 2015 Approved Phasing Plan and 2017 Revised Phasing Plan*
E. 2015 Approved Easement Plan
F. Revised Findings and Conditions of Approval
G. Letters from Big Wave
H. Table 1: Approved 2015 Big Wave NPA Project
I.  Table 2: Minor Modifications to the Project 

*Note Attachment D includes a new 2015 map showing construction of first business building can precede the first Wellness Center building, rather than the actual 2015 Approved Phasing Plan shown below. Transcript of project planner from video of 5/19/15 Board meeting (1:15:08):

"This slide illustrates the County's working with the applicant to work on the proper phasing of the project to ensure that the aspects of the project with the most public benefit -- such as wetlands restoration and the Wellness Center, are all built first, prior to some portions of the office park. So the areas in red are the Wellness Center and the wetland areas that would be developed first."

GCSD Board Vacancy Appointment June 1

Granada Community Services District (GCSD) will fill a Board vacancy by appointment at a Special Meeting on Thursday, June 1, 2017, at 7pm.

Deadline to submit a letter of interest and resumé is 5pm, Tues, May 30.  The appointed term expires Nov 2018.  Applicants must be at least 18 years old, a registered voter, and live within the District. GCSD regular Board meetings are the third Thursday of each month.  Notice of Vacancy (just received) has contact info and more detail. (GCSD website)

UPDATE 6/1/17: GCSD Board voted 3-1 to appoint Barbara Dye to fill the Board vacancy (meeting video).

Montara Hotel May 15 Public Workshop

Hotel Plans - MCC comments  - CCC staff comments - Workshop Notice 

Neighborhood Commercial Zoning Regs need update: 
     MCC letter - presentation - County reply - MCC follow-up letter

UPDATE 5/16/2017:  About 45 Midcoast residents attended the workshop. Also in attendance was a representative of the property owner, AHK International Ltd, Ridgegate Apartments. The applicant, local architect Ed Love, fielded questions. County staff took notes to be included with other public and staff comments in a follow-up letter to the owner/applicant.  

The applicant described the project as a “boutique” hotel, meaning upscale and pricey.  He acknowledged that practically speaking, the 13-unit hotel would require 13 guest spaces and 7 for staff.  Existing plans show 7 spaces on site, and the applicant proposed leasing 13 additional spaces off site in the neighborhood, with valet parking.

UPDATE 6/20/2017: Workshop Summary