Short-Term Rental Ordinance at Planning Commission Mar 22

SMC Planning Commission will consider approval of a short-term rental ordinance at their March 22, 2017, meeting (AgendaStaff Report). A short-term rental is one where all or part of a residence is rented for less than 30 consecutive days. The Board of Supervisors will need to adopt, and the Coastal Commission certify the ordinance before it can go into effect.
Draft Ordinance -- Background

UPDATE 3/22/17: Planning Commission directed staff to review additional public comments submitted during the meeting, and to incorporate any additional changes they see fitting in advance of the presentation to the Board of Supervisors, which is expected in May.

HMB Coastal Trail Erosion Assessment & Trail Retreat Design

Half Moon Bay City Council heard a presentation on 3/7/2017 by Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE) on the Coastal Trail from Kelly to Poplar, followed by discussion (video). NCE has concluded that a substantial amount of erosion in the area is related to stormwater pooling and runoff which is intensified by soil compaction by users on the bluff. The Council will take up the issue again within 60 days to discuss potential next steps.

HMB Coastal Trail Existing Conditions & Trail Planning presentation
Seymour Ditch Preliminary Field Observations presentation

First Flush Water Quality Results 2016

Water quality results are in for 2016 stormwater runoff in the Midcoast and HMB.  Stormwater runoff carries pollutants that have built up across the landscape into creeks, storm drains, and the ocean. First Flush is a program of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary that monitors runoff from the first significant storm of the season which flushes accumulated pollutants from sources such as brake dust, car emissions, animal waste, detergents, pesticides and fertilizers, and many chemicals found around homes and businesses.  San Mateo County Resource Conservation District, with local partners and volunteers, conducts the program in coastal San Mateo County.

Sea Level Rise Webinar Mar 23, 2017

Finding Common Ground: Communicating about Sea Level Rise
Thurs, March 23, 2017, from 12 noon to 1 PM - register

The Sustainability Academy's webinars (view schedule) provide participants with general knowledge and practical skills for conserving resources in your home and work and promoting sustainability in your communities. This no-cost educational program is made available through the County of San Mateo.

Unstable Cliffs Threaten Harbor West Trail

Mud and rock slides closed a section of Pillar Point Harbor West Shoreline Trail February 20, and the saturated vertical unstable cliffs high overhead could send more rocks crashing down. 

Rocks strewn over the trail came from the upper vertical cliff face. The Harbor District’s engineering firm, GHD, recommended not removing the debris or reopening the trail at this time. Images are from Harbor District 3/15/2017 staff report.