Green Valley Trail 90% Plans Posted

The Green Valley Trail alignment has been confirmed and plans are now at 90% completion for this one-mile section of the California Coastal Trail to connect the Devil’s Slide Trail to Gray Whale Cove parking lot and trail. The 6-foot-wide trail will have a natural soil surface for most of the alignment and will utilize an existing gravel road for a section, and include two boardwalks and a bridge to span wetlands. Two overlook areas with benches will allow for a pause to view the spectacular Green Valley as well as the Pacific Ocean to the north and south.

West Trail Erosion Protection Preferred Design Alternative

Pillar Point Harbor West Trail erosion protection design alternatives were considered by SMC Harbor Commissioners at their 9/7/2016 meeting.  Despite their consultant’s (GHD) proposed preference of riprap (rock armoring), the Commissioners unanimously chose beach nourishment and shotcrete soil-nail wall which would be sculpted/colored to mimic on-site bedrock. Despite a higher initial cost, the Commissioners responded to public and CCC staff input for softer more natural aesthetic solutions.  MCC letter & slide presentationpublic comment on alternatives report

Nearby examples of sculpted/colored shotcrete are along Highway 1 at Devil’s Slide, and over Highway 92.  Examples of shoreline installations are at Lands End in Pacifica and Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz.  

Erosion caused the West Trail to be partially roped off from late 2011 to early 2016 when a partial emergency fix was constructed around a drainage culvert.  Finalization of that emergency permit requires application to the Coastal Commission for a regular Coastal Development Permit for the 300-foot eroded segment of shoreline.

Assisted Mental Health Outpatient Treatment

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is a county program that reaches out to people with a severe mental illness who are not connected to services and are challenged to live safely and stably in our community.  The AOT team works to connect people to treatment to decrease mental health crises, hospitalizations, incarceration and homelessness while helping people achieve and maintain their physical and mental health. Learn more.