Portola Trail Proposed As National Historic Trail

The Board of Supervisors has authorized a Portolá Trail Committee to support designation of the Portolá Trail as a National Historic Trail and promote completion of the California Coastal Trail through San Mateo County. Designation as a National Historic Trail would bring federal resources to help complete and manage the trail.

The 250th anniversary of the Portolá Expedition is coming up in 2019.  On behalf of the King of Spain in 1769, Don Gaspar de Portolá led a land expedition from Baja California to colonize San Diego and Monterey. Not recognizing Monterey Bay, they passed it by and ended up stumbling on the sight of San Francisco Bay from Sweeney Ridge in Pacifica. The discovery led to the Spanish colonization of the San Francisco Bay region.

The trail route through San Mateo County coincides with about half of the Coastal Trail alignment, and traverses existing trails or sidewalks, and lands of POST, MPROSD, State Parks, GGNRA, and about 3 miles of private property. The 6 expedition campsites in San Mateo County could become backcountry camping destinations (i.e. hut to hut). 

Board of Supervisors 8/4/2015 staff report
Maps (1 & 2) of “best guess” Portolá Expedition route, which followed Native American trails from village to village.

Amber LED Streetlights Preferred for Midcoast

During May/June 2015, the County conducted a pilot project (prior post) to determine if residents of the Midcoast support conversion to LED streetlights, which can reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions by 60%. Two LED streetlights (one standard and one with amber chip) were installed near each Midcoast post office so residents could see their nighttime effect.  SpeakOut online forum received public comments for 40 days during May/June.  The amber light had most support.

Amber LED fixtures will replace existing sodium fixtures at comparable brightness on the same arms at the same height on existing poles. No additional lights are planned. Shields for any intrusive lights next to homes could be added afterwards, upon individual request. 

LED lighting Model ATBO-20BLEDE70-MVOLT-R2 
     specs -- amber chip -- diffusers
Lighting District Maps: Montara/Moss Beach - El Granada/Miramar
International Dark-Sky Association Guide to LED Lighting

UPDATE on 9/17/15:  In response to MCC request, County plans a new pilot installation in fall 2015 for public review of lights at approximately 50% brightness compared to the earlier LED samples.

LAFCo Hearing on Harbor District July 15

San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will hold a public hearing on Consideration of the Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere Update for the San Mateo County Harbor District:

July 15, 2015, 1:30 PM, 400 County Center, Redwood City.

Supporting documents: see Agenda Item 5.
Staff cover memo includes summary, response to comments, and the recommendation that the MSR provide a framework for the Harbor District, San Mateo County, and South San Francisco to further study improvements in the areas of finance, accountability, and transparency as well as governance alternatives, including dissolution.

News article: Options emerge to spare Harbor District, Daily Journal 7/7/15.
More info on Harbor District history and issues on MCC Harbor Page.

On July 15 LAFCo reaffirmed the long-standing zero sphere of influence of the Harbor District which indicates that the District should be dissolved and San Mateo County should be the long-term successor agency. 

It remains to be seen whether the County Board of Supervisors will actually initiate dissolution, as recommended by the 2014 Civil Grand Jury.  County Supervisor Don Horsley, who is also on the LAFCo Board, suggested that the District be given 18 months to correct its course before the County considers moving to dissolve and absorb the District.

News articles: Daily Journal – HMB Review