FMR parking lot site meeting 11/14/12

Planning Commission 11/14/2012, 1:00 pm, Fitzgerald Marine Reserve (Corner of California Avenue and North Lake Street), Moss Beach

Agenda Item #10:  Field Study Session for a project involving an expansion, reconfiguration, and upgrade of an existing 39- space parking lot with amenities which serves the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve on a 32,306 sq. ft. parcel located in the unincorporated Moss Beach area of San Mateo County. AgendaStaff Report.  Postponed from 10/24 (see prior MCC post).

NOTE: If it is raining at 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting, the field trip will not occur, but the study session will be conducted with a slide presentation in the Board of Supervisors Chambers. Please call Angela Chavez, Project Planner, at 11:00 a.m. to confirm study session location. Her telephone number is: 650/599-7217.

UPDATE 11/15/12: At yesterday’s Planning Commission field study meeting at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve parking lot, the Planning Commissioners heard from a gathering of over 20 residents who had serious reservations about the project at its core, noting that on most days the lot is mostly empty, the open space in the area is cherished and utilized as such, and what is really needed is more rangers at busy times to protect the natural resources at the reserve.

GGNRA Open House – November 13, 2012

Tuesday, 11/13/12, drop in anytime 4:30 – 6:30 PM, at Farallone View School, 1100 LaConte & Kanoff in Montara (map).  Meet park staff and partners to discuss and provide your input on the following projects: 

Rancho Corral de Tierra trailheads and trail planning,
Remediation of contaminated soils at Moss Beach Ranch,
Devil’s Slide Coast,
Watershed Discovery Bus,
Pedro Point Headlands stewardship project,
and more…