County seeks grant for Hwy 1 improvements

On the Board of Supervisors' consent agenda 6/26/12 is a resolution in support of submittal of a grant application for $5million to San Mateo County Transportation Authority for projects on Highway 1 in the Midcoast. The grant would be used for designs and construction of raised medians, left-turn lanes and safe crossings that were identified in the Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Study.

UPDATE 6/28/12:  The item was removed from consent for public comment asking for continued public input in final design stages and Supervisor Horsley voicing support for that. The final amount of the grant request was reduced to $1.5million, to cover preliminary planning, environmental reviews, and other costs up to but not including construction, which funds would be applied for later.
Grant application & attachments

Board of Supervisors considers ballot measure to decide countywide or district elections

At their meeting Tues, June 26, the Board of Supervisors will reconsider putting to the voters in November the decision whether to elect supervisors countywide or by district.  The county is currently defending a lawsuit that claims the County Charter’s method of electing members of the Board of Supervisors “at-large” violates the California Voting Rights Act as to voters of Asian and Latino descent.

UPDATE 6/28/12:  Board of Supervisors approved the Ordinance submitting to the eligible registered voters at the November 6, 2012 election the question of whether they wish to amend the San Mateo County Charter to change the manner of electing members of the Board of Supervisors from an “at-large” to a “by-district” system.

MCC Special Meeting June 20, 2012

6/20/12 MCC special meeting AGENDA continues all items from the June 13 meeting:

Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Study Action Plan
Moss Beach Hwy 1 lighting improvements (see supporting docs for 6/13)
MCC representation on C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee (ALUC)
New MCC website

In addition, a grant application being developed by the County for median improvements to Highway 1 in the Midcoast will be discussed.  The Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Study contains conceptual plans for proposed left-turn lanes, medians, and crossings (compiled here) which are the type of improvements eligible for the grant funding.

LETTER (approved) in support of grant application for Hwy 1 improvements

MCC Agenda for June 13, 2012

AGENDA highlights for 6/13/12 are:

Highway 1 Safety & Mobility Study – discussion and comment on County’s draft ACTION PLAN for implementation of both Phase 1 & 2 of the study.

Proposed letter to Caltrans in support of improved street lighting on Highway 1 in Moss Beach. (Supporting docs: Supervisor Horsley 4/26 letter to Caltrans, Caltrans reply, Moss Beach Hwy1 lighting survey)

MCC representation on C/CAG Airport Land Use Committee (ALUC) – select an MCC rep and alternate in anticipation of C/CAG approval.

New MCC Website – approve a name and first-year budget for the new website.  New website policy draft

7/16/12 Followup letter from Supervisor Horsley to Caltrans on Moss Beach Hwy 1 lighting
9/20/12 Followup letter from Caltrans to Supervisor Horsley on Moss Beach Hwy 1 lighting, and Hwy 1 Safety/Mobility implementation