Midcoast Community Council

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LAFCo Considers Grand Jury Report on Harbor District Sept. 17

San Mateo County 2014 Civil Grand Jury Report recommended dissolution of the SMC Harbor District.  The Harbor District’s written response to the report was based on the majority Board opinion and disagreed with most of the report’s findings.

San Mateo County LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) is also required to respond to the Grand Jury Report, which they will take up at their September 17, 2014, meeting.  The recommended [approved] LAFCo response, from Executive Officer Martha Poyatos, agrees with many or most of the report’s findings and agrees to the recommendation that LAFCo initiate a service review of the Harbor District by year-end.  The response recommends that any application for dissolution of the Harbor District be deferred until the municipal service review is completed.