SMC Housing Element Update, March 2024 Revised Draft

San Mateo County has released a revised draft 2023-2031 Housing Element, in response to comments received from California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  The Housing Element is a required component of the County’s General Plan. The update must demonstrate the County’s ability to meet its share of regional housing needs by identifying sufficient sites that are likely to be developed or redeveloped with housing of appropriate types and densities in the next 8 years of the cycle.  Housing Element Update website

The Housing Element update is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the County Planning Commission on April 10, 2024, and for adoption by the Board of Supervisors on April 23, 2024, at which time it will also be resubmitted to HCD for further review. The County encourages and welcomes any comments on the amended Housing Element. Comments may be made, up until the time of the Board of Supervisors hearing, to:
William Gibson,
455 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063

Mirada Rd Erosion & Partial Closure: Community Meeting 4/2/2024

Winter storm waves have caused significant damage to the western edge of Mirada Road. The Dept of Public Works (DPW) has closed the southbound lane to all traffic between Magellan and Medio Avenues, making Mirada one-way-only northbound with entry via Medio and exit via Magellan.

Community Meeting April 2, 2024, 6:00 PM
Supervisor Mueller’s Coastside Office, Unit 6, Shoppes at Harbor Village,
270 Capistrano Rd, Princeton

Supervisor Mueller will be hosting this Community Meeting to provide an opportunity for residents to learn more about Mirada Road and to have an opportunity to ask questions of County staff regarding the changes to Mirada Road.

DPW project webpage — meeting presentationvideo
MCC Mirada Rd page with erosion/armoring history

Mirada Rd one-way northbound March 2024

MCC Regular Meeting: March 27, 2024

MCC Regular Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

The meeting will be conducted both in person at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA, and remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom (link). We encourage remote participation. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available on the Agenda.

Agenda & supporting materials:
3. Minutes for 2/21, 2/28, 3/10/2024
4a. Seton Coastside Hospital update
4b. Rancho Corral de Tierra update: Help Plan the Future of Rancho Corral de Tierra
4c. Montara Mountain - Draft letter (postponed)
5. Correspondence received:
3/20/24 County Parks Response to 12/13/23 MCC request for information re pesticide (herbicide) use in SMC Parks.

Future Agendas: Herbicides; Stormwater

UPDATE: 3/27/24 meeting video & minutes

MCC SPECIAL Meeting: SUNDAY March 10, 2024 - 4:00pm

MCC SPECIAL Meeting Agenda for SUNDAY, March 10, 2024 at 4:00pm

The meeting will be conducted both in person at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA, and remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom (link). We encourage remote participation. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comments are available on the Agenda.

Agenda & supporting materials:
1. Cypress Point - FINAL Letter - County Memo on No CEQA - Staff Report (90mb)

UPDATE: 3/10/24 meeting video & minutes

Cypress Point Affordable Housing 3/13/2024 Hearing of SMC Planning Commission

At a special evening meeting on the Coastside, in-person only,

Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 6:00-9:00 pm (end time is an estimate)
at the Gate House at Oceano Hotel in Princeton

San Mateo County Planning Commission will consider a General Plan Land Use Map Amendment, a Coastal Development Permit, and Grading Permit, to construct the Cypress Point affordable housing community composed of 71 affordable housing units, contained in 16 two-story buildings, and a community building, in the Moss Beach area of San Mateo County.  The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors who will consider project approval at a future meeting.  This project is not appealable to the California Coastal Commission.

Agenda and supporting documents are here.  Included in the staff report as Attachment C is memo from Planning Director re application of CEQA exemption established by AB 1449 to Cypress Point Affordable Housing Project.  The project must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the SMC General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning/Grading Regulations, discussed in the staff report, to be posted by March 7.  For informational purposes, the memo also contains general responses to the primary issues and concerns in public comments received.

Instructions on commenting, written or in person, are found in the agenda. Correspondence received for the meeting will also be posted.
(The Gate House is the separate one-story building behind the Brewing Company.)

Project history and source documents going back to 2016 are compiled here.

UPDATE 3/13/2024: Planning Commission recommended approval 4-0 — Video.
UPDATE 3/26/2024: Board of Supervisors approved 5-0 — Staff Report & Conditions of Approval