Midcoast Community Council

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San Mateo State Route 1 Safety Barrier Project Neg Dec published

Caltrans has sent email about the project, where to get the documents, and how to comment. This is the project to add safety barriers south of the Devil’s Slide tunnel, to north of Montara State Beach (map below).

This is the Notification itself, and the documents are here, scroll down to find San Mateo County projects (direct links that work right now are the Project Information page and the actual Mitigated Negative Declaration document.

Email follows:

Caltrans is circulating a Draft Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the State Route 1 Safety Barriers Project. The environmental document for this project will be circulated and open for public comments starting January 12, 2022 and ending on February 11, 2022. A Virtual Public Open House meeting is planned for January 27, 2022 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM.

To review the environmental document, access information on how to participate in the Virtual Open House please navigate to Caltrans environmental document website (https://dot.ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/district-4/d4-popular-links/d4-environmental-docs). There you can find that Caltrans also has a project specific link that you will  be able obtain information on the project, comment on the IS/MND, and a link, password, and dial in number to attend the Public Virtual Open House. The Virtual Open House will include a slide presentation providing an overview of the project and the environmental process, followed by a question and answer session with the project team.

If you have any comments about the proposed project, please attend the online public meeting. Please send comments by mail or email to:

Caltrans District 4
Office of Environmental Analysis
ATTN: Nina Hofmarcher
P.O. Box 23660, MS: 8B
Oakland, CA 94623 0660
Nina.Hofmarcher@dot.ca.gov (Preferred method of contact during COVID 19)