Midcoast Community Council

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MCC Study Session - MCC Special Meeting - July 29, 2020 (Conducted Remotely)

MCC Agenda for a special session on Connect the Coastside on July 29 at 7pm. This meeting will be conducted remotely as a telephone and video conference via Zoom. There will be no public meeting room for the meeting. Instructions for accessing the meeting and for making comment are available in the first page of the agenda.

There will be a special format for this study session.  The description is on pages 2 and 3 of the Agenda. Links to several documents are in the agenda and are provided here as well.

Summary of Development Projections Informing Connect the Coastside – SMC Planning and Building Department (Joe LaClair – Planning Services Manager)

CTMP Comments (Lisa Ketcham - submitted as a Moss Beach resident)

Connect the Coastside Public Working Draft / Virtual Conversations - Green Foothills (Lennie Roberts – Legislative Advocate)

Jill Ekas (email) – Community Development Director, City of Half Moon Bay

Khoa Vo (email) - Deputy Director – Road Services, San Mateo County 

Study session videominutes (including public comments)