Midcoast Community Council

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SMC Planning Commission 1/22/2020: Affordable Housing LCP Amendments

At a special evening meeting on the Coastside,

Wednesday, January 22, 2020, 6:00 pm, 

at Half Moon Bay Library,

San Mateo County Planning Commission will consider LCP and zoning amendments for the proposed 71-unit Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community at Carlos & Sierra Streets in Moss Beach.  

The amendments would:

  • down-zone the 11-acre parcel from medium-high to medium density, consistent with the surrounding neighborhood, 

  • reduce the maximum number of dwelling units from 148 to 71, 

  • revise the conceptual site plan and project design to reflect that change*

  • increase the percentage of affordable units to 100%.

Agenda & staff report  -  project page  -  more background

The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors who will consider adopting the LCP and zoning amendments at a future meeting.  The final decision on certification of the amendments will be made by the Coastal Commission.

In a separate process at a later date, the Planning Commission will consider the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) with full environmental review of the project.

*UPDATE 1/17/20:  Staff report posted Jan 16 reveals that the revised PUD zoning ordinance for the site would lock in significant project details that the community had been told would be taken up during the CDP approval phase.   

UPDATE:  During the 3-hour 1/22/20 meeting (video) the Planning Commission received presentations from County Planning staff and the applicant (MidPen Housing), and heard public comment from everyone who wished to speak. Due to hard cut-off time for library closing, the meeting was then adjourned, to be continued at a future date for staff response to questions/comments, and Commission discussion/decision.