Midcoast Community Council

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Moss Beach Park Update from Don Horsley


We did it!  Last week, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to accept ownership of the Moss Beach Park and incorporate it into the County Parks Department.  Your emails, letters and testimonies played an important role in this outcome.

Now that the Moss Beach Park is part of the San Mateo County Parks Department, you will see an increase in activity in the coming months.  You will see Park Rangers cleaning the property, out-of-date and unsafe equipment being replaced, and the installation of the long awaited restroom.  The community worked hard to transform this once bare lot with limited recreation equipment into the community center it is today.  The County looks forward to continuing that mission on the community’s behalf. 

As I continue to advocate for the changes mentioned above, I want to know what the community sees as priorities for the park.  To do this, I am calling on the community to establish the Friends of Moss Beach Park.  The Friends of Moss Beach Park will advise the County on park needs, maintenance issues and potential improvements.  This park can only remain a vital community asset if community members stay involved.  Can I count on you?

In addition to the incorporation of the Moss Beach Park, my office is engaged in various community development projects.  Some examples include the Devil’s Slide Park, implementation of designated pedestrian crossings at Highway 1 throughout the Midcoast, and the update to the Princeton area planning regulations.  Please email Chris Hunter to be placed on my official newsletter email list so you can stay informed of all ongoing community projects.  Thank you for your continued support and Happy Holidays!

Don Horsley
Supervisor, 3rd District San Mateo County